Desktop Computer Repair
Computer Repair Experts: Seattle Laptop specializes in desktop computer repair. We service business computers, home desktops, and gaming computers.
Parts In Stock: Our company has most parts needed for all types of desktop computer repair. We carry power supplies, ram, hard drives, motherboards, video cards, and just about every other part we might need to fix a customer’s computer fast.
New Computer Repair: Many of our customers need a little help with the new computer they just built. For some reason it does not work. You can bring in your parts and we can find out what the problem is with your new computer.
Gaming Computer Repair
Gaming Computer Repair Specialists: For almost 30 years Seattle Laptop has been servicing gaming computers. From overheating problems to performance problems. Blue screening, and power problems. If your gaming computer is having problems we can fix it.
Home Computer Repair
We Repair Personal Computers: For close to 30 years Seattle Laptop has been repairing desktop computers. No problem is too great for our computer technicians. If your desktop is having problems, call or stop by.